• 503-200-2081
  • info@gaeducationcenter.com

Here are the steps to register GA Education Courses

(1) https://gaeducationcenter.org Upper right corner, Login/Register, hit that "Register" or you can use this Link

https://gaeducationcenter.org/register.php please make sure your email address is correct. This is your Family account with GA Edu. Please enter parent's name and contact information, not students'

(2) A verification email will send to your email address, please hit Verify to activate your account.

(3) After verify your email, you can use your login information to login to your account. After you login, you should see “My Account”. At your own account page, ADD students, Add student information you can add multiple students in the same account.

(4) Then you can go to Course page https://gaeducationcenter.org/new-courses.php to select courses for YOUR STUDENT. After you select the courses for the student you choose, scroll down to the end of the page, select student first and then select "Register & Make Payment" or "Register & Pay Later".

(5) After register the courses, reflesh account page, you shall see the course you registered and the starting date. Please DO NOT register multiple times.

(6) When you decide to pay the course, from your account "History/Report" , click Pay Now. This website uses Secured SSL and Stripe service.

(7) Please check course description for the text books or workbooks information. If there is no text book in the course description, that means the material is developed by GAEdu, and will be send to students before the class.